Sunday, January 1, 2012

Lord Reign in Me

Happy New Year!!

I'm very excited about 2012! Although I must admit, I was ringing in the new year in deep sleep. We've had such a busy, fun, family packed two weeks that my sleep schedule has suffered and I'm gonna feel it when I have to go back to work this week. We celebrated Christmas three times over the past week and it seemed that Christmas could go on forever! One thing that I love about our Christmas celebrations is that every year it's a little different. This year we celebrated with Trevor's family on Christmas, Trevor and I celebrated the day after Christmas, and then we traveled to my parents to celebrate on the 30th. It has been a blessed week.

I've been thinking a lot about 2012. I've been thinking of goals I want to set and changes I want to make. It's no secret my husband calls me "the list queen". I know I may annoy some people with my lists. I have a to-do list at work that I keep on my desk to keep me on track of things needed to be done each week.  I have a cleaning list, monthly menu list, shopping list, gift list, and so on. To keep them organized so I don't lose them all, I keep them in a  three ring binder. To some people that may be too much but it works for me. So, making lists and setting goals for the new year just comes naturally. I can be quite detailed when it comes to my goals but this year I'm trying to keep it simple. I have been praying about this years goals... to have a clear direction of what God wants me to do. As I've been thinking about this, one song always comes to mind and we sang it in church today, Lord Reign in Me.  I think this is my song for the new year. The words reflect my heart and desire to be filled with more of Him and less of me so that I can be vessel He works through. In case you've never heard the song, here it is.....


Praying you have a blessed new year!!!!

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