Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Where Have I Been?!

Ok, school's been out since the first of June and two months later I'm blogging again! I had originally planned to be a little more consistent this summer with blogging but it seems I've been a little occupied and busy... I guess you could say the lazy days of summer have taken over.  So I guess I'll take a few minutes and catch you up on what we've been doing.

Well, I ended another school year  the first week of June and said good- bye to another group of sweet second graders. Usually the week after the school year is over, my honey does something for me. This year, to celebrate, he took me to  The Peaks of Otter for a restful day of reading and relaxing. Then of course we had to eat! Then I started my job with the fair... busy, busy for a couple of weeks. Then we've spent time with family.....

Family Reunion

                                Some of my cousins that I had not seen a couple of years.

                               My cousin, Jennifer, who was the flower girl in my wedding!! She's all grown up now. I feel old!

We also hosted a get together for our church choir at our house. We had lots of great food and fellowship.

I also finished painting my kitchen and Trevor and I have had lots of "fun Fridays" together. My mom came for a day  visit and I took her to the White Oak Tea Tavern... a great place.  We had a great day of shopping and just being together. Then this past week, Trevor was on a mission trip all week so...... I traveled to my parents house to spend a few days with them and boy did we have fun! My mom and I did some shopping and cooking.

She taught me a new recipe.... Southwestern Chicken and black bean dish. It was so delicious.

We read a few books...

                                 Yeah, notice the cookbooks... we love to cook together!

My dad had taken the day off and we traveled to the Virginia Highlands Festival and we were able to eat lunch with my brother. It was such an great day.

Then we checked out White's Mill and mercantile.

                      This was the neatest little store... just my style... country as can be!

                                     This is a pic of the countryside by my parent's church.

It was such a great little trip... lots of memories! I want to always make sure I soak up all the time I am able to get with my family.

Well, it's been a busy summer and the one good thing is... it's not over yet! I have a about four weeks until I go back to work.... YEAH! So I'm gonna keep having fun and making lots of memories!!!

The blessing of summer. God is good!!

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