Sunday, December 8, 2013

I'm Back

Well, I'm back after a 6 month hiatus! I didn't intend on taking that long of a break, but I did. The end of my summer seemed to bring lots of exciting adventures that I just didn't have time to stop and blog about it. Then I went back to work in August and since then it seems life has been quite the whirlwind, but I must say I'm lovin every minute of it!!

I 'm finally getting to blog because we are kind of stuck indoors today due to the nice ice storm that came to visit! :)   I must say I love days like this because.... I stay in my pajamas all day, I lay around and eat junk/ comfort food, I have my family with me ALL day, and I get to do a few things that I want to do!! Also, the school I work at is on late schedule tomorrow. YIPPIE!!!! Although, this does not mean sleeping in for me. I really don't remember what that's like because I have a one year old who seems to think he needs to wake up between 5:30-6am everyday!! This works out great on work days, but not so much on the weekends. Oh well, on the positive side, I've learned I get SO much more done between 6am - 9am, than any other part of the day AND coffee is my friend! I keep telling myself to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride because I know one day I'll look back on these years and realize how fast they went.

Well, around our house, we're in high gear for Christmas! The decorations are out, the gifts are bought, (well, for the most part), and our hearts are focused on the real reason to celebrate, Jesus Christ! I must admit, with all of the commercialism of Christmas, it can be difficult at times to keep our homes focused on the true meaning of Christmas. Now that I have a son, I've also been thinking about how to nurture him in God's Word and in understanding the real meaning of Christmas. I realize that my life and example will ultimately demonstrate this truth to him. Obviously, a child's understanding of God always starts in the home. So, I've been more mindful of how does my life reflect what I SAY I believe about God. Especially here at Christmas, I'm taking a step back, knowing what I believe about Jesus Christ, (his birth, death, and resurrection), but does what I believe reflect in the way I live my life. Because I do NOT want to be a Christian who says all the RIGHT things to my son but never show him that I believe it with my life.  So through prayer, I'm surrendering to God. It would be real easy for me to come up with a bunch of "things" to "do" to feel like I've accomplished this task. But, I know it's not about me and that I'm only human and that I can be a self-seeking, sinful human being at times. So, I continue to give it to God, read His Word, and follow His lead. So, for now we're keeping it simple! 

So, now that you know what I've been thinking on lately, I have more to update on but just don't have the time tonight to get it done. SO, hopefully, I'll post later this week on happenings around here and how my sweet boy is almost 14 months old!!!! So crazy!

Anyway, be blessed and keep Jesus the real meaning of YOUR Christmas!!!!!

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