Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back to School

So, it's back to school time around here and that means I've gone back to work! As a teacher, back to school is something you dread at the beginning of summer and actually remove it from your mind. But as the summer goes by and the end of August aprroaches, you begin to feel a bit of excitement and anticipation stirring within. Well, at least that's the way it is for me. I get excited about planning for my next group of students and all of the fun learning we'll be doing throughout the year.

Well, along with all the excitement also comes a lot of work, especially the week before school begins. There are meetings, classroom decorating, cleaning, organizing, paperwork, lesson plans, and so on. The days are long and exhausting. With long days, it seems my home becomes the last thing on my to-do list. So this year I decided everything would be different. I would plan ahead and make sure my home was not neglected. So I did the "big" things that I thought would take me the longest. I went to the school last week and arranged my room, decorated and even did some paperwork. I thought I was doing great! I felt like I was being prepared and getting ahead of the game... ya know that makes me feel good!

Well, looking back, now that I'm halfway through my first work week I can say that somehow the work always keeps coming. As I spend time in my classroom, I realize that I forgot to do something or take care of an important task, or another teacher needs help. So, here I am, a little stressed, tired, and excited from yet again long days and nights. As I look back, I realize that there is a place for preparation. But maybe what I forgot, which is most important, is that God is in control. As I trust in Him and put Him first, He is always there.. sustainning me and giving me the strength I need and even helping fit in a little bit of time to take care of my home. Everything may not work out in my timing but somehow it all works out in the end. How awesome He is!

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